DISCUSSION:  A website is the most important communications tool simply because many other methods of attracting business depend upon a well-designed website. It is your single most important credential. It establishes your particular identity and credibility in a crowded marketplace.
       The value of a sophisticated and interesting website cannot be overstated. An easy to navigate descriptive website will encompass critical elements that establish your credentials and provide easy to understand and absorb information; links to additional information; access to reference sites; case studies; testimonials; your past and present client list and so much more. Branding, social media, blogs, e-broadcasts, ads, public relations articles as well as links to additional expert information can be employed as website elements to help educate and hold the interest of your target audience. The Louis Marketing Group's designers are experienced at creating websites that provide the attributes you need to project your signature brand in the best possible light. Louis Marketing will also host and maintain your website on our servers for uninterrupted dependable service.

RECOMMEND:  Initiate the design and implementation of new or updated website.

Publicity is printed at the behest of the publication or aired at the will of the media. This is why it is valuable. It is not paid for by the subject of the story. While advertising is clearly understood

by the audience as coming directly from the sponsoring business, an article is initiated by the publication and written by a reporter who wrote it as an objective third party observer. As a result, those comments about you or your business carry weight.

An effort should be made to garner publicity whenever the opportunity arises. In order for a public relations pitch to be worthy of a PR effort, it needs to have a 'hook'. A hook is defined as an unusual or quirky angle to it. An item is newsworthy if it seems readers will find it interesting, although press coverage cannot ever be guaranteed.

Some possible hooks would be:
        • you are appointed to a board of directors
        • you are elected to an officership of an organization
        • you win an award
        • you are honored by a recognized group
... or
        • your company offers a new product
        • an important new person comes aboard
        • a major important change takes place
        • the company is awarded a big contract

…. you get the idea.

All pertinent activities can be looked at as possible subjects of public relations stories around which to wrap a press release. Following are some of the questions that we frequently ask in order to extract PR worthy information.
        • What makes your services different or better than those of the competition?
        • Do you have something new and of specific interest to say about your field?
        • Are you, or is your company, involved in a community-based organization or project;
          a philanthropic endeavor or other human services cause?
        • Are you helping local charities or schools in an unusual way?
        • What's new?

RECOMMEND: Discuss above points with Louis marketing in an attempt to search out useful information and possible hooks.


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